Friday, October 17, 2008

postheadericon Obama Bucks

OK, so I have been watching CNN (yea I know, the 'liberal' media right, whatever), and I have seen two things that are atrocious. The first thing I saw was this "Obama Bucks" picture circulated by the Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated. It's a republican organization and that's about all I know about it. Now, the president of the organization, Diane Fedele, did say it was not her intent to offend people, but seriously, you have got to be kidding me. She went on to say that these are foods that all people eat and it wasn't her intent to stereotype Obama (a black man).

You know what....Please!

OK, fried chicken, watermelon, KOOL-AID, and BBQ ribs on a FOOD STAMP and you mean you didn't mean to offend or stereotype. I went to a school of 800 kids with a black population of only 5-7, and over the course of 4 years I was asked if I ate fried chicken, watermelon, and drank kool-aid at least a total of 100 times, in addition I have been asked on numerous occasions if my family had ever been on welfare. Even the dumbest fool in the nation knows that these are stereotypes of African Americans and it's not a secret so don't sit up and say "oh that was not my intent, everyone eats those foods." And I read on these conservative blogs that we (African Americans) are just being overly sensitive, are you kidding me. That woman knew darn well what she was doing when she did it. In fact, a member of the group (an African American woman) said she cried for 45 minutes when she got the email, in fact her quote was this "This is what keeps African-Americans from joining the Republican Party," she said. "I'm really hurt. I cried for 45 minutes." She also said that she had been working tirelessly to convince African Americans that the Republican Party was for them and now she feels betrayed, but I guess she is just being 'overly sensitive,' how dare she have the audacity to be outraged about a stereotype of her people to lessen their dignity as Americans, let alone human beings.

The second story I saw was about home that has a ghost or something with the Star of David on its head and Obama on its chest hanging from a rope, I can't find the video, but I did just see it on CNN.

I have no idea what is going on in America, it's one thing to disagree with the policies of a candidate but it seems that people can't win an argument without characterizing someone as unAmerican or unpatriotic or less than American due to race or religion. First it was the Catholics with Al E. Smith and JFK now it's Obama for being 'Arab' and now for being African American. I mean what is it... is it our educational system (I know that's not the greatest), is it something in the air or the water.

And what type of fool would ever even consider either of these to not have something to do with Obama's race, I'm not trying to pull the race card but let's call a spade a spade, loose the political affiliation bull-crap and stand up as an American and call for an end to the stupidity of racial, ethnic, and religious bigotry that plagues this nation and has done so since it's inception.


Son of Bosco said...
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Son of Bosco said...

How can people be so stupid? Or, how can people be so ignorant as to believe that people are stupid enough to buy that bs story about them not knowing what they were doing?

Isaac Hayes said...

Hi Devin, I read your comments on Antoine Members Congressional Campaign blog. I would be happy to provide you with additional information. Please email me at

Which issue is most important to you?
